A review of 50Webs Web Hosting
We, at exiliobrasil.com, have picked '50Webs Web Hosting' to be our current domain and web hosting supplier. This is why we deem that this concise evaluation of '50Webs Web Hosting' is perhaps going to be quite useful for other folks from all around the World who need domain name and web hosting services. We state individuals from all around the World, since the simple truth is that '50Webs Web Hosting' presently delivers domain and hosting services in numerous datacenter sites: in the United States (Chicago, IL), in Great Britain (Maidenhead, 20 miles outside London), in Sweden (Stockholm) and in Australia (Sydney). Thus, embracing nearly the whole planet. At least as far as the World Wide Web is concerned. So, here is what you could expect from '50Webs Web Hosting' in a few words:
Shared Web Site Hosting Plans
The first detail we, at exiliobrasil.com, have perceived is the budget prices of the shared web site hosting solutions offered by '50Webs Web Hosting'. Shared doesn't seem very good, does it? Well, that's what it is referred to as: shared web hosting. The good news here is that the web page hosting accounts furnished by '50Webs Web Hosting' are driven by an in-house designed, leading edge cloud web hosting platform (each web hosting service, such as electronic mail, databases, website hosting Control Panel, disk storage, DNS, statistics, and so on, is being dealt with by an individual bunch of web servers in a cluster). This is a circumstance EVERY cPanel web hosting corporation on the Earth will have enormous difficulties with, because cPanel is a single server based web space hosting environment (each web hosting service, like email, databases, CP, web space, DNS, stats, etc., is being dealt with by one and the same web server), cPanel is not open source (that is why the cPanel-based website hosting distributors are unable to include additional functionality and handle it the way they need it) and there is no open source file platform (they need to devise their own file system), which is the foundation of any cloud web hosting service. Let's go back to the shared web page hosting plans, which are driven by an actual cloud hosting system. With a shared web site hosting plan, each client pays solely for his/her plan, thus maintaining the web site hosting price really low (because a lot of customers use the same web server). In short, a shared hosting package, which is hosted on a clustered hosting platform, allows you to pay only for the resources that you really need, avoiding a scenario where you pay for a high-end web page hosting plan that you cannot really use, or for a low-end webspace hosting plan that cannot accommodate your website. The ability to upgrade your account from one plan to another with just 2 clicks of the mouse gives you the flexibility to commence with a small plan and upgrade as your web presence grows. In this way, you save funds that you can invest in publicizing the site while it is still brand new. Each and every website hosting plan supplied by '50Webs Web Hosting' arrives with an online web site building tool and more than forty popular script platforms including WordPress, Joomla, Zen Cart and Moodle that will save you hundreds of dollars for website design services. '50Webs Web Hosting' supplies shared web hosting services in a number of different geographical regions around the Globe. There is one datacenter facility in Chicago covering the United States of America and Canada; 2 European data center facilities - in England and in Scandinavia; and another one in Australia, which covers the Asia Pacific. That way, virtually the entire Globe is encompassed to provide you and your site's visitors with a steady and fast site hosting solution at a convenient place. Altogether, the shared hosting plans supplied '50Webs Web Hosting' are quite well equipped and come at a very modest price (beginning from $0.00 for the Free package).